Package com.xmlcalabash.xslt
Class XsltTemplate
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public final class XsltTemplate extends XsltTag
Field Summary
Fields Modifier and Type Field Description private final String
private final String
private final QName
private final ArrayList<XsltElementInterface>
private final HashMap<QName, String>
private final HashMap<String, String>
private final String
private final String
private final String
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description XsltTemplate(String vPrefix, String vNamespace)
Method Summary
Modifier and Type Method Description final String
final String
final Unit
contextItem(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String as, String use, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltContextItem, Unit> init)
final Unit
param(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String name, String select, String as, Boolean required, Boolean tunnel, Boolean static, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltParam, Unit> init)
final Unit
applyTemplates(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, String mode, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltApplyTemplates, Unit> init)
final Unit
applyImports(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltApplyImports, Unit> init)
final Unit
nextMatch(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltNextMatch, Unit> init)
final Unit
forEach(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltForEach, Unit> init)
final Unit
iterate(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltIterate, Unit> init)
final Unit
nextIteration(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltNextIteration, Unit> init)
final Unit
break(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltBreak, Unit> init)
final Unit
if(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String test, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltIf, Unit> init)
final Unit
choose(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltChoose, Unit> init)
final Unit
try(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, Boolean rollbackOutput, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltTry, Unit> init)
final Unit
variable(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String name, String select, String as, Boolean static, String visibility, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltVariable, Unit> init)
final Unit
callTemplate(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String name, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltCallTemplate, Unit> init)
final Unit
evaluate(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String xpath, String as, String baseUri, String withParams, String contextItem, String namespaceContext, String schemaAware, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltEvaluate, Unit> init)
final Unit
element(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String name, String namespace, Boolean inheritNamespaces, String useAttributeSets, String type, String validation, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltElement, Unit> init)
final Unit
attribute(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String name, String namespace, String select, String separator, String type, String validation, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltAttribute, Unit> init)
final Unit
text(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, Boolean disableOutputEscaping, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltText, Unit> init)
final Unit
valueOf(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, String separator, Boolean disableOutputEscaping, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltValueOf, Unit> init)
final Unit
document(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String type, String validation, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltDocument, Unit> init)
final Unit
processingInstruction(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String name, String select, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltProcessingInstruction, Unit> init)
final Unit
namespace(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String name, String select, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltNamespace, Unit> init)
final Unit
comment(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltComment, Unit> init)
final Unit
copy(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, Boolean copyNamespaces, Boolean inheritNamespaces, String useAttributeSets, String type, String validation, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltCopy, Unit> init)
final Unit
copyOf(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, Boolean copyAccumulators, Boolean copyNamespaces, String type, String validation, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltCopyOf, Unit> init)
final Unit
sequence(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltSequence, Unit> init)
final Unit
wherePopulated(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltWherePopulated, Unit> init)
final Unit
onEmpty(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltOnEmpty, Unit> init)
final Unit
onNonEmpty(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltOnNonEmpty, Unit> init)
final Unit
number(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String value, String select, String level, String count, String from, String format, String lang, String letterValue, String ordinal, String startAt, String groupingSeparator, String groupingSize, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltNumber, Unit> init)
final Unit
performSort(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltPerformSort, Unit> init)
final Unit
forEachGroup(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, String groupBy, String groupAdjacent, String groupStartingWith, String groupEndingWith, Boolean composite, String collation, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltForEachGroup, Unit> init)
final Unit
merge(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltMerge, Unit> init)
final Unit
fork(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltFork, Unit> init)
final Unit
analyzeString(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, String regex, String flags, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltAnalyzeString, Unit> init)
final Unit
sourceDocument(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String href, String useAccumulators, String type, String validation, Boolean streamable, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltSourceDocument, Unit> init)
final Unit
map(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltMap, Unit> init)
final Unit
mapEntry(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String key, String select, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltMapEntry, Unit> init)
final Unit
message(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, String terminate, String errorCode, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltMessage, Unit> init)
final Unit
assert(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String test, String select, String errorCode, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltAssert, Unit> init)
final Unit
fallback(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltFallback, Unit> init)
final Unit
resultDocument(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String format, String href, String type, String validation, String method, String allowDuplicateNames, String buildTree, String byteOrderMark, String cdataSectionElements, String doctypePublic, String doctypeSystem, String encoding, String escapeUriAttributes, String htmlVersion, String includeContentType, String indent, String itemSeparator, String jsonNodeOutputMethod, String mediaType, String normalizationForm, String omitXmlDeclaration, String parameterDocument, String standalone, String suppressIndentation, String undeclarePrefixes, String useCharacterMaps, String outputVersion, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltResultDocument, Unit> init)
Methods inherited from class com.xmlcalabash.xslt.XsltTag
getAttributes, getChildren, getLocalName, getName, getNamespace, getNamespaces, getPrefix, maybe, maybe, render
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Method Detail
final String getVPrefix()
final String getVNamespace()
final Unit contextItem(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String as, String use, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltContextItem, Unit> init)
final Unit param(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String name, String select, String as, Boolean required, Boolean tunnel, Boolean static, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltParam, Unit> init)
final Unit applyTemplates(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, String mode, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltApplyTemplates, Unit> init)
final Unit applyImports(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltApplyImports, Unit> init)
final Unit nextMatch(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltNextMatch, Unit> init)
final Unit forEach(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltForEach, Unit> init)
final Unit iterate(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltIterate, Unit> init)
final Unit nextIteration(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltNextIteration, Unit> init)
final Unit break(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltBreak, Unit> init)
final Unit if(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String test, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltIf, Unit> init)
final Unit choose(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltChoose, Unit> init)
final Unit try(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, Boolean rollbackOutput, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltTry, Unit> init)
final Unit variable(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String name, String select, String as, Boolean static, String visibility, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltVariable, Unit> init)
final Unit callTemplate(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String name, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltCallTemplate, Unit> init)
final Unit evaluate(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String xpath, String as, String baseUri, String withParams, String contextItem, String namespaceContext, String schemaAware, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltEvaluate, Unit> init)
final Unit element(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String name, String namespace, Boolean inheritNamespaces, String useAttributeSets, String type, String validation, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltElement, Unit> init)
final Unit attribute(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String name, String namespace, String select, String separator, String type, String validation, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltAttribute, Unit> init)
final Unit text(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, Boolean disableOutputEscaping, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltText, Unit> init)
final Unit valueOf(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, String separator, Boolean disableOutputEscaping, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltValueOf, Unit> init)
final Unit document(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String type, String validation, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltDocument, Unit> init)
final Unit processingInstruction(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String name, String select, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltProcessingInstruction, Unit> init)
final Unit namespace(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String name, String select, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltNamespace, Unit> init)
final Unit comment(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltComment, Unit> init)
final Unit copy(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, Boolean copyNamespaces, Boolean inheritNamespaces, String useAttributeSets, String type, String validation, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltCopy, Unit> init)
final Unit copyOf(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, Boolean copyAccumulators, Boolean copyNamespaces, String type, String validation, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltCopyOf, Unit> init)
final Unit sequence(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltSequence, Unit> init)
final Unit wherePopulated(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltWherePopulated, Unit> init)
final Unit onEmpty(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltOnEmpty, Unit> init)
final Unit onNonEmpty(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltOnNonEmpty, Unit> init)
final Unit number(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String value, String select, String level, String count, String from, String format, String lang, String letterValue, String ordinal, String startAt, String groupingSeparator, String groupingSize, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltNumber, Unit> init)
final Unit performSort(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltPerformSort, Unit> init)
final Unit forEachGroup(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, String groupBy, String groupAdjacent, String groupStartingWith, String groupEndingWith, Boolean composite, String collation, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltForEachGroup, Unit> init)
final Unit merge(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltMerge, Unit> init)
final Unit fork(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltFork, Unit> init)
final Unit analyzeString(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, String regex, String flags, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltAnalyzeString, Unit> init)
final Unit sourceDocument(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String href, String useAccumulators, String type, String validation, Boolean streamable, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltSourceDocument, Unit> init)
final Unit map(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltMap, Unit> init)
final Unit mapEntry(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String key, String select, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltMapEntry, Unit> init)
final Unit message(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String select, String terminate, String errorCode, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltMessage, Unit> init)
final Unit assert(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String test, String select, String errorCode, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltAssert, Unit> init)
final Unit fallback(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltFallback, Unit> init)
final Unit resultDocument(String vocabularyPrefix, String vocabularyNamespace, String format, String href, String type, String validation, String method, String allowDuplicateNames, String buildTree, String byteOrderMark, String cdataSectionElements, String doctypePublic, String doctypeSystem, String encoding, String escapeUriAttributes, String htmlVersion, String includeContentType, String indent, String itemSeparator, String jsonNodeOutputMethod, String mediaType, String normalizationForm, String omitXmlDeclaration, String parameterDocument, String standalone, String suppressIndentation, String undeclarePrefixes, String useCharacterMaps, String outputVersion, Map<QName, String> attributes, Map<String, String> ns, Function1<XsltResultDocument, Unit> init)