
p:archive — The standard p:archive step.


The p:archive step outputs on its result port an archive (usually binary) document, for instance a ZIP file. A specification of the contents of the archive may be specified in a manifest XML document on the manifest port. The step produces a report on the report port, which contains the manifest, amended with additional information about the archiving.

Input portPrimarySequenceContent typesDefault binding
source✔ ✔ any 
manifest ✔ xml p:empty
archive ✔ any p:empty
Output portPrimarySequenceContent typesDefault binding
result✔  any 
report  application/xml 
Option nameTypeDefault value
parametersmap(xs:QName, item()*)?()
 1 |<p:declare-step xmlns:p="">
   |   <p:input port="source"
   |            primary="true"
   |            content-types="any"
 5 |            sequence="true"/>
   |   <p:input port="manifest" content-types="xml" sequence="true">
   |      <p:empty/>
   |   </p:input>
   |   <p:input port="archive" content-types="any" sequence="true">
10 |      <p:empty/>
   |   </p:input>
   |   <p:output port="result"
   |             primary="true"
   |             content-types="any"
15 |             sequence="false"/>
   |   <p:output port="report" content-types="application/xml" sequence="false"/>
   |   <p:option name="format" as="xs:QName" select="'zip'"/>
   |   <p:option name="relative-to" as="xs:anyURI?"/>
   |   <p:option name="parameters" as="map(xs:QName, item()*)?"/>
20 |</p:declare-step>
err:XC0079It is a dynamic error (err:XC0079) if the map parameters contains an entry whose key is defined by the implementation and whose value is not valid for that key.
err:XC0080It is a dynamic error (err:XC0080) if the number of documents on the archive does not match the expected number of archive input documents for the given format and command.
err:XC0081It is a dynamic error (err:XC0081) if the format of the archive does not match the format as specified in the format option.
err:XC0084It is a dynamic error (err:XC0084) if two or more documents appear on the p:archive step's source port that have the same base URI or if any document that appears on the source port has no base URI.
err:XC0085It is a dynamic error (err:XC0085) if the format of the archive cannot be understood, determined and/or processed.
err:XC0100It is a dynamic error (err:XC0100) if the document on port manifest does not conform to the given schema.
err:XC0112It is a dynamic error (err:XC0112) if more than one document appears on the port manifest.
err:XD0011It is a dynamic error (err:XD0011) if the resource referenced by the href option does not exist, cannot be accessed or is not a file.
err:XD0064It is a dynamic error (err:XD0064) if the base URI is not both absolute and valid according to RFC 3986.
Implementation defined features
Implementation dependent features
  • If the format imposes constraints on the archive comment (character set or length, for example), how the processor coerces the attribute value to satisfy those constraints is implementation-dependent.


The p:archive step is defined in the XProc 3.0: Standard Step Library. It is also described on

Supported formats

The following formats are supported using the Apache Commons Compress™ library version 1.27.1.

Archive formatRead?Write?Content typeCommon file extensions
Arapplication/x-archive.a, .lib, .ar

Some of these content types are non-standard or only de-facto standards.

If no format is provided, the format is selected from the (first) archive on the archive port, if there is one, or defaults to zip. The format of an archive file is determined solely from its content type; no attempt is made to inspect the content of the archive to determine its format.

Creating archives

If multiple documents are provided on the archive, they are merged together.

When merging archives, the cx:merge-duplicates parameter sets the merging policy:


It is an error if the same name occurs in two or more archives (unless that name is also being replaced by the step). This is the default value.


The first document encountered is kept, the rest are discarded.


The last document encountered is kept, the rest are discarded.

Updating archives

When updating archives, at most one archive may appear on the archive port. If no archives appear, a new archive will be created using only the files provided by the step.

Freshening archives

When freshening archives, at most one archive may appear on the archive port. If no archives appear, a new archive will be created using only the files provided by the step.

Deleting from archives

When deleting archives, exactly one archive must appear on the archive port.