
cx:while — Loop while an expression is true.


This step is a compound step that processes single documents, applying its subpipeline while the test expression is true.

A while step is specified by the cx:while element.

1 |<cx:while
  |  name? = NCName
  |  test = xs:string>
  |    ((p:with-input? & 
5 |      p:output?),
  |     subpipeline)


The result of the cx:while step is first document for which the test expression did not have an effective boolean value of true.

The cx:while has a single anonymous input: its connection is provided by the p:with-input. If no document is explicitly provided, then the source is read from the default readable port. It is a dynamic error (err:XC????) if the source is not a single document.

The test attribute specifies an XPath expression. The document is provided as the context item. If the expression is false, the loop is not run (or run again).