p:delete — The standard p:delete step.
The p:delete
step deletes items specified by a selection pattern from the
input document and produces the resulting document,
with the deleted items removed, on the result port.
Input port | Primary | Sequence | Content types |
source | ✔ | xml html |
Output port | Primary | Sequence | Content types |
result | ✔ | text xml html |
Option name | Type | Required |
match | XSLTSelectionPattern | ✔ |
1 |<p:declare-step xmlns:p="">
| <p:input port="source" content-types="xml html"/>
| <p:output port="result" content-types="text xml html"/>
| <p:option xmlns:e=""
5 | name="match"
| required="true"
| as="xs:string"
| e:type="XSLTSelectionPattern"/>
Code | Description |
err:XC0023 | It is a dynamic error (err:XC0023 ) if the
match option matches the document node. |
err:XC0062 | It is a dynamic error (err:XC0062 ) if the
match option matches a namespace node. |
The p:delete
step is defined in the
XProc 3.0:
Standard Step Library. It is also described on
Applied to the running example, this pipeline:
1 |<p:declare-step version="3.1"
| xmlns:p=""
| xmlns:ex="">
| <p:input port="source"/>
5 | <p:output port="result"/>
| <p:delete match="//ex:chap/@class"/>
Produces this output:
1 |<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><doc xmlns="" xmlns:xi="" class="book">
| <chap former="1">
| <title>First Chapter</title>
| <p>…</p>
5 | </chap>
| <xi:include href="default-ch2.xml"/>
| <chap><title>Third Chapter</title>
| <p>…</p>
| </chap>
10 | <app><title>Appendix</title>
| <p>…</p>
| </app>
This listing attempts to summarize what has changed from the original input.
<doc xmlns=""
<chap former="1" class="test">
<title>First Chapter</title>
<xi:include xmlns:xi=""
<title>Third Chapter</title>
When present, additions are shown in bold, green
deletions are shown in
italic, red with strike through
and changed elements are shown in
bold, italic orange
1 |<doc xmlns=""
| xmlns:xi=""
| class="book">
| <chap former="1" class="test">
5 | <title>First Chapter</title>
| <p>…</p>
| </chap>
| <xi:include href="default-ch2.xml"/>
| <chap><title>Third Chapter</title>
10 | <p>…</p>
| </chap>
| <app><title>Appendix</title>
| <p>…</p>
| </app>
15 |</doc>
The p:delete
step can also delete elements:
1 |<p:declare-step version="3.1"
| xmlns:p=""
| xmlns:ex="">
| <p:input port="source"/>
5 | <p:output port="result"/>
| <p:delete match="/ex:doc/ex:chap[1]"/>
Produces this output:
1 |<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><doc xmlns="" xmlns:xi="" class="book">
| <xi:include href="default-ch2.xml"/>
| <chap><title>Third Chapter</title>
5 | <p>…</p>
| </chap>
| <app><title>Appendix</title>
| <p>…</p>
| </app>
10 |</doc>
This listing attempts to summarize what has changed from the original input.
<doc xmlns=""
<chap former="1" class="test">
<title>First Chapter</title>
<xi:include xmlns:xi=""
<title>Third Chapter</title>
When present, additions are shown in bold, green
deletions are shown in
italic, red with strike through
and changed elements are shown in
bold, italic orange
1 |<doc xmlns=""
| xmlns:xi=""
| class="book">
| <chap former="1" class="test">
5 | <title>First Chapter</title>
| <p>…</p>
| </chap>
| <xi:include href="default-ch2.xml"/>
| <chap><title>Third Chapter</title>
10 | <p>…</p>
| </chap>
| <app><title>Appendix</title>
| <p>…</p>
| </app>
15 |</doc>