
p:directory-list — The standard p:directory-list step.


The p:directory-list step produces a list of the contents of a specified directory.

Output portPrimarySequenceContent types
result✔  application/xml 
Option nameTypeDefault valueRequired
pathxs:anyURI ✔ 
1 |<p:declare-step xmlns:p="">
  |   <p:output port="result" content-types="application/xml"/>
  |   <p:option name="path" required="true" as="xs:anyURI"/>
  |   <p:option name="detailed" as="xs:boolean" select="false()"/>
5 |   <p:option name="max-depth" as="xs:string?" select="'1'"/>
  |   <p:option name="include-filter" as="xs:string*"/>
  |   <p:option name="exclude-filter" as="xs:string*"/>
  |   <p:option name="override-content-types" as="array(array(xs:string))?"/>
err:XC0012It is a dynamic error (err:XC0012) if the contents of the directory path are not available to the step due to access restrictions in the environment in which the pipeline is run.
err:XC0017It is a dynamic error (err:XC0017) if the absolute path does not identify a directory.
err:XC0090It is a dynamic error (err:XC0090) if an implementation does not support directory listing for a specified scheme.
err:XC0147It is a dynamic error (err:XC0147) if a specified value is not a valid XPath regular expression.
err:XD0064It is a dynamic error (err:XD0064) if the base URI is not both absolute and valid according to RFC 3986.
Implementation defined features
  • Conformant processors must support directory paths whose scheme is file. It is implementation-defined what other schemes are supported by p:directory-list, and what the interpretation of ‘directory’, ‘file’ and ‘contents’ is for those schemes.
  • Any file or directory determined to be special by the p:directory-list step may be output using a c:other element but the criteria for marking a file as special are implementation-defined.
  • The precise meaning of the detailed properties are implementation-defined and may vary according to the URI scheme of the path.
  • Any other attributes on c:file, c:directory, or c:other are implementation-defined


The p:directory-list step is defined in the XProc 3.1: Standard Step Library. It is also described on

Detailed attributes

When the detailed option is true(), the p:directory-list step provides additional information about each entry. For directories, those details are: readable (is the entry readable by the current user), writable (is the entry writable by the current user), hidden (is the entry “hidden”), size (the size of the entry in bytes), and last-modified (the date and time of the last modification). Precisely what “hidden” means varies by platform. On Unix-based systems, it often means only that the filename begins with a “.”. On Windows systems, it reports the setting of the filesystem’s hidden attribute on filesystems that support it. XML Calabash also reports if the entry is “executable” in the cx:executable attribute.

Directory size

On most systems, the size of a directory is a reflection of the amount of space the directory data structure itself occupies: it is not the sum of the sizes of all of the files contained in the directory.

On systems that support POSIX file attributes, readable, writable, and executable are taken from the POSIX subsystem. On systems that don’t support POSIX, they’re taken from Java methods on File objects. If the system supports POSIX file attributes, XML Calabash reports additional details: cx:group-readable, cx:group-writable, and cx:group-executable (is the entry readable, writable, and executable by members of the current group) and cx:other-readable, cx:other-writable, and cx:other-executable (is the entry readable, writable, and executable by others).

For files, all of the preceding details are provided as well as the content-type of the file. Content types are determined from the filename (generally, the extension), not by inspecting the contents of the file.


Applied to the running example, the p:directory-list step with the detailed option enabled, returns a result like this on a system that supports POSIX file attributes:

 1 |<c:directory xmlns:c=""
   |             xmlns:cx=""
   |             xml:base="file:/path/to/examples/xml/"
   |             name="xml"
 5 |             readable="true"
   |             writable="true"
   |             cx:executable="true"
   |             cx:group-readable="true"
   |             cx:group-writable="false"
10 |             cx:group-executable="true"
   |             cx:other-readable="true"
   |             cx:other-writable="false"
   |             cx:other-executable="true"
   |             hidden="false"
15 |             size="160"
   |             last-modified="2024-12-29T18:25:10Z">
   |   <c:file xml:base="default-ch2.xml"
   |           name="default-ch2.xml"
   |           content-type="application/xml"
20 |           readable="true"
   |           writable="true"
   |           cx:executable="false"
   |           cx:group-readable="true"
   |           cx:group-writable="false"
25 |           cx:group-executable="false"
   |           cx:other-readable="true"
   |           cx:other-writable="false"
   |           cx:other-executable="false"
   |           hidden="false"
30 |           size="100"
   |           last-modified="2024-11-24T17:23:22Z"/>
   |   <c:file xml:base="default-input.xml"
   |           name="default-input.xml"
   |           content-type="application/xml"
35 |           readable="true"
   |           writable="true"
   |           cx:executable="false"
   |           cx:group-readable="true"
   |           cx:group-writable="false"
40 |           cx:group-executable="false"
   |           cx:other-readable="true"
   |           cx:other-writable="false"
   |           cx:other-executable="false"
   |           hidden="false"
45 |           size="366"
   |           last-modified="2024-11-24T17:23:22Z"/>