Chapter 6Errors and error messages

It is an explicit goal of XML Calabash that it should produce reasonable and useful error messages. Bug reports to the effect that “such and such an error is confusing” are most welcome.

Validation errors

The validation steps produce error reports using the Extensible Validation Reporting Language (XVRL). When a validation step fails and the error causes pipeline execution to fail, this report is formatted as a text document for the purpose of the error message.

The formatting is done by this stylesheet:

  1 |<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    |<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
    |                xmlns:xs=""
    |                xmlns:xvrl=""
  5 |                exclude-result-prefixes="#all"
    |                expand-text="yes"
    |                version="3.0">
    |<xsl:param name="encoding" static="yes" select="'utf-8'"/>
 10 |<xsl:output method="text" _encoding="{$encoding}" indent="no"/>
    |<xsl:variable name="nl" select="'&#10;'"/>
    |<xsl:template match="/">
 15 |  <xsl:apply-templates/>
    |  <xsl:text>{$nl}</xsl:text>
    |<xsl:template match="xvrl:reports">
 20 |  <xsl:apply-templates select="xvrl:metadata"/>
    |  <xsl:apply-templates select="xvrl:report"/>
    |<xsl:template match="xvrl:metadata">
 25 |  <xsl:choose>
    |    <xsl:when test="empty(../../..) and xvrl:timestamp">
    |      <xsl:apply-templates select="xvrl:timestamp"/>
    |    </xsl:when>
    |    <xsl:when test="../xvrl:reports">
 30 |      <xsl:text>XVRL Reports:{$nl}</xsl:text>
    |    </xsl:when>
    |    <xsl:otherwise>
    |      <xsl:text>XVRL Report:{$nl}</xsl:text>
    |    </xsl:otherwise>
 35 |  </xsl:choose>
    |  <xsl:apply-templates select="xvrl:schema, xvrl:document"/>
    |<xsl:template match="xvrl:timestamp">
 40 |  <xsl:choose>
    |    <xsl:when test=". castable as xs:dateTime">
    |      <xsl:variable name="dt"
    |                    select="format-dateTime(xs:dateTime(.),
    |                              '[D01] [MNn,*-3] [Y0001] '
 45 |                              || 'at [h01]:[m01]:[s01]Z')"/>
    |      <xsl:choose>
    |        <xsl:when test="../../self::xvrl:reports">
    |          <xsl:text>XVRL Reports on {$dt}</xsl:text>
    |          <xsl:apply-templates select="../xvrl:validator"/>
 50 |          <xsl:text>:{$nl}</xsl:text>
    |        </xsl:when>
    |        <xsl:otherwise>
    |          <xsl:text>XVRL Report on {$dt}</xsl:text>
    |          <xsl:apply-templates select="../xvrl:validator"/>
 55 |          <xsl:text>:{$nl}</xsl:text>
    |        </xsl:otherwise>
    |      </xsl:choose>
    |    </xsl:when>
    |    <xsl:otherwise>
 60 |      <xsl:text>XVRL report metadata has invalid date: {.}</xsl:text>
    |    </xsl:otherwise>
    |  </xsl:choose>
 65 |<xsl:template match="xvrl:validator">
    |  <xsl:text> from {@name/string()}, version {@version/string()}</xsl:text>
    |<xsl:template match="xvrl:schema">
 70 |  <xsl:if test="@href">
    |    <xsl:text>Validated with {@href/string()}{$nl}</xsl:text>
    |  </xsl:if>
 75 |<xsl:template match="xvrl:document">
    |  <xsl:if test="@href">
    |    <xsl:text>Validating {@href/string()}{$nl}</xsl:text>
    |  </xsl:if>
 80 | 
    |<xsl:template match="xvrl:report">
    |  <xsl:apply-templates select="xvrl:metadata"/>
    |  <xsl:apply-templates select="xvrl:detection"/>
 85 | 
    |<xsl:template match="xvrl:detection">
    |  <xsl:value-of select="upper-case(substring(@severity, 1, 1))"/>
    |  <xsl:value-of select="substring(@severity, 2)"/>
    |  <xsl:value-of select="@code ! (' ' || .)"/>
 90 |  <xsl:choose>
    |    <xsl:when test="xvrl:location">
    |      <xsl:apply-templates select="xvrl:location"/>
    |    </xsl:when>
    |    <xsl:otherwise>
 95 |      <xsl:text>:{$nl}</xsl:text>
    |    </xsl:otherwise>
    |  </xsl:choose>
    |  <xsl:choose>
    |    <xsl:when test="empty(xvrl:message)">  (No message provided)</xsl:when>
100 |    <xsl:when test="empty(xvrl:message/*)">
    |      <xsl:text>  {xvrl:message/node()}</xsl:text>
    |    </xsl:when>
    |    <xsl:otherwise>
    |      <xsl:text>  {xvrl:message/node()
105 |        ! serialize(., map{'method':'xml', 'indent':true()})}</xsl:text>
    |    </xsl:otherwise>
    |  </xsl:choose>
    |  <xsl:text>{$nl}</xsl:text>
110 | 
    |<xsl:template match="xvrl:location">
    |  <xsl:text> at </xsl:text>
    |  <xsl:if test="@href">
    |    <xsl:value-of select="@href"/>
115 |    <xsl:if test="@line or @column">:<xsl:value-of select="@line"/></xsl:if>
    |    <xsl:if test="@column">:<xsl:value-of select="@column"/></xsl:if>
    |    <xsl:text>{$nl}</xsl:text>
    |  </xsl:if>
    |  <xsl:value-of select="@xpath ! ('at XPath: ' || . || $nl)"/>
120 |  <xsl:value-of select="@jsonpointer ! ('at JSON pointer: ' || . || $nl)"/>
    |  <xsl:value-of select="@jsonpath ! ('at JSONPath: ' || . || $nl)"/>

If you find XVRL reports that aren’t usefully summarized, please report them.