Chapter 4. Messages and logging
Messages and logging are frustratingly complex to manage. Java provides a flexible and robust set of logging APIs. Production systems can leverage that infrastructure in sophisticated ways to control what is logged, where, and how. But configuring that infrastructure, even learning how to configure it, are substantial tasks. They’re far more than a casual user running a single application on a local machine is ever likely to need.
XML Calabash tries to offer the best of both worlds. It uses the
SLF4J logging framework (version 2.0.16) with the “logback
classic” back end. (Other backends can be used, SLF4J supports the
full logging ecosystem.) All of the messages that XML Calabash produces are
sent to the logger.
If the debug
is used, the logging messages
are also printed on the console. For more control, see
Section 4.1, “Configuring the logging back end”.
In front of that back end, XML Calabash has its own “message reporter” interface which it ties into the various message listener and error listener APIs provided by the APIs it uses. Casual users can set the “verbosity level” (via a configuration option or on the command line) to quickly filter the level of detail they’re interested in.
That leaves only the category of “progress messages” to resolve. Often, it’s most convenient to run a pipeline and get its results with no concern about what steps ran, or in what order. But for long running or complex pipelines, it may be reassuring, especially during development, to track the progress of steps in the pipeline.
XML Calabash provides three “visualizations” for progress:
silent, plain, and detailed. (Custom visualizations are also
possible.) The silent
visualizer, as the name
suggests, prints nothing. That’s the default.
The plain
visualizer prints the names of
steps as they are run. It elides some noise, specifically the majority
of steps introduced when constructing the
graph. The plain output for sample pipeline in the graphs chapter
looks like this:
Running p:declare-step
Running . cx:document (../xml/default-input.xml)
Running . p:xinclude
Running . ex:ident
Running .. p:identity
Running . p:for-each
Running .. p:identity/id1
Running .. p:add-attribute/add
Running .. p:identity/id1
Running .. p:add-attribute/add
Running .. p:identity/id1
Running .. p:add-attribute/add
Running .. p:identity/id1
Running .. p:add-attribute/add
Running . p:wrap-sequence
Running . p:identity/id2
The detail
visualizer tracks the progress of
all steps, both the start and end of compound steps, and can track the documents
produced by each step along the way. With both step and document reporting enabled,
its output looks like this:
┌─ p:declare-step/declare-step
│ ├─ cx:head/declare-step_head
│ ├─ cx:document/document (../xml/default-input.xml)
│ │ ┄ cx:document/document.result ⟶ <doc ...>
│ ├─ p:xinclude/xinclude
│ │ ┄ p:xinclude/xinclude.result ⟶ <doc ...>
│ ├─ ex:ident/declare-step_2
│ │ ├─ cx:head/declare-step_2_head
│ │ │ ┄ cx:head/declare-step_2_head.source ⟶ <doc ...>
│ │ ├─ p:identity/identity
│ │ │ ┄ p:identity/identity.result ⟶ <doc ...>
│ │ │ ┄ cx:foot/declare-step_2_foot.result ⟶ <doc ...>
│ │ ├─ cx:foot/declare-step_2_foot
│ ├─ ex:ident/declare-step_2
│ ├─ cx:select/select_IC511
│ │ ┄ cx:select/select_IC511.result ⟶ <chap ...>
│ │ ┄ cx:select/select_IC511.result ⟶ <chap ...>
│ │ ┄ cx:select/select_IC511.result ⟶ <chap ...>
│ │ ┄ cx:select/select_IC511.result ⟶ <app ...>
│ ├─ p:for-each/for-each
│ │ ├─ cx:head/for-each_head
│ │ │ ┄ cx:head/for-each_head.current ⟶ <chap ...>
│ │ ├─ p:identity/id1
│ │ │ ┄ p:identity/id1.result ⟶ <chap ...>
│ │ ├─ p:add-attribute/add
│ │ │ ┄ p:add-attribute/add.result ⟶ <chap ...>
│ │ │ ┄ cx:foot/for-each_foot.!result ⟶ <chap ...>
│ │ ├─ cx:foot/for-each_foot
│ │ ├─ cx:head/for-each_head
│ │ │ ┄ cx:head/for-each_head.current ⟶ <chap ...>
│ │ ├─ p:identity/id1
│ │ │ ┄ p:identity/id1.result ⟶ <chap ...>
│ │ ├─ p:add-attribute/add
│ │ │ ┄ p:add-attribute/add.result ⟶ <chap ...>
│ │ │ ┄ cx:foot/for-each_foot.!result ⟶ <chap ...>
│ │ ├─ cx:foot/for-each_foot
│ │ ├─ cx:head/for-each_head
│ │ │ ┄ cx:head/for-each_head.current ⟶ <chap ...>
│ │ ├─ p:identity/id1
│ │ │ ┄ p:identity/id1.result ⟶ <chap ...>
│ │ ├─ p:add-attribute/add
│ │ │ ┄ p:add-attribute/add.result ⟶ <chap ...>
│ │ │ ┄ cx:foot/for-each_foot.!result ⟶ <chap ...>
│ │ ├─ cx:foot/for-each_foot
│ │ ├─ cx:head/for-each_head
│ │ │ ┄ cx:head/for-each_head.current ⟶ <app ...>
│ │ ├─ p:identity/id1
│ │ │ ┄ p:identity/id1.result ⟶ <app ...>
│ │ ├─ p:add-attribute/add
│ │ │ ┄ p:add-attribute/add.result ⟶ <app ...>
│ │ │ ┄ cx:foot/for-each_foot.!result ⟶ <app ...>
│ │ ├─ cx:foot/for-each_foot
│ ├─ p:for-each/for-each
│ ├─ p:wrap-sequence/wrap-sequence
│ │ ┄ p:wrap-sequence/wrap-sequence.result ⟶ <set ...>
│ ├─ p:identity/id2
│ │ ┄ p:identity/id2.result ⟶ <set ...>
│ │ ┄ cx:foot/declare-step_foot.result ⟶ <set ...>
│ ├─ cx:foot/declare-step_foot
└─ p:declare-step/declare-step
It’s worth noting that the IDs in this output, for example “select_IC511
are the same IDs that the debugger uses to set breakpoints. If you configure a default
visualizer in the configuration file, using the --debugger
option will automatically disable it. (But you can force it to be on with the
option, if that’s what you’d prefer.)
Configuring the logging back end
XML Calabash uses the “logback classic” backend by default. The configuration file that ships with XML Calabash only sends messages to the console and it uses a “turboFilter” to dynamically control the log level.
If you want to quickly configure XML Calabash to save log messages to a file, simply point to a logback configuration that is configured accordingly. For example, the configuration in Figure 4.1, “Example logback Configuration”.
1 |<configuration>
| <appender name="STDERR" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
| <target>System.err</target>
5 | <filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.ThresholdFilter">
| <level>WARN</level>
| </filter>
| <encoder>
| <pattern>%-5level %msg%n</pattern>
10 | </encoder>
| </appender>
| <appender name="FILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
| <file>/tmp/xmlcalabash.log</file>
15 | <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
| <fileNamePattern>/tmp/xmlcalabash.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log</fileNamePattern>
| <maxHistory>5</maxHistory>
| </rollingPolicy>
| <encoder>
20 | <pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} %-4relative [%thread] %-5level %logger{35} - %msg%n</pattern>
| </encoder>
| </appender>
| <root level="TRACE" additivity="false">
25 | <appender-ref ref="STDERR"/>
| <appender-ref ref="FILE"/>
| </root>
This configuration doesn’t offer dynamic control of the log level. It
sends warning and error messages to the console and all messages
to the log file (/tmp/xmlcalabash.log
in this example).
One way to tell Java to use this logging configuration instead of the default is to specify it with a system property, for example, on the command line:
$ java -Dlogback.configurationFile=/path/logback.xml …
Where /path/logback.xml
is the path to your configuration file
and “…” is the rest of the Java arguments you want to use.