
cx:mathml-to-svg — Draws diagrams with mathml-to-svg.


This step uses JEuclid to convert MathML to SVG.

Input portPrimarySequenceContent types
source✔  xml 
Output portPrimarySequenceContent types
Option nameTypeDefault value
parametersmap(xs:QName, item()*)?()
This is an extension step; to use it, your pipeline must include its declaration. For example, by including the extension library with an import at the top of your pipeline:
<p:import href=""/>
1 |<p:declare-step xmlns:p="">
  |   <p:input port="source" content-types="xml"/>
  |   <p:output port="result"/>
  |   <p:option name="parameters" as="map(xs:QName, item()*)?"/>
5 |</p:declare-step>


The cx:mathml-to-svg step uses JEuclid to convert MathML to SVG.


The actual implementation used is version 3.1.14 of a modern fork of JEuclid that supports recent versions of Java and the underlying Batik libraries.


The equation rendered in Figure 1, “Example MathML converted to SVG” is one of the more interesting (looking) examples from the Mozilla MathML torture test.

Figure 1Example MathML converted to SVG

Correct rendering of Figure 1, “Example MathML converted to SVG” relies on support for SVG in your user agent. If your user agent also supports MathML, it can render the equation directly, as (possibly) shown in Figure 2, “Example MathML”.

det ( A ) = σ S n ϵ ( σ ) i = 1 n a i , σ i
Figure 2Example MathML


This step is included in the XML Calabash application. If you are getting XML Calabash from Maven, you will also need to include the extension dependency:

  • com.xmlcalabash:diagramming:3.0.0-alpha23

The following third-party dependencies will also be included transitively:

  • net.sourceforge.plantuml:plantuml:1.2025.0
  • de.rototor.jeuclid:jeuclid-core:3.1.14
  • ditaa0.9.jar, included in the XML Calabash extension because it’s not available through Maven.