cx:python — Evaluate steps implemented in Python.
Input port | Primary | Sequence | Content types | Default binding |
source | ✔ | ✔ | p:empty | |
program | text |
Output port | Primary | Sequence | Content types | Default binding |
result | ✔ |
Option name | Type | Default value |
args | xs:string* | () |
parameters | map(xs:QName,item()?)? | () |
result-content-type | xs:string? | () |
1 |<p:declare-step xmlns:p="">
| <p:input port="source" primary="true" sequence="true">
| <p:empty/>
| </p:input>
5 | <p:input port="program" content-types="text"/>
| <p:output port="result"/>
| <p:option name="args" as="xs:string*"/>
| <p:option name="result-content-type" as="xs:string?"/>
| <p:option name="parameters" as="map(xs:QName,item()?)?"/>
10 |</p:declare-step>
The cx:polyglot
step is not included in the standard XML Calabash release.
You must
obtain it separately
and install it on your classpath before you can use this step.
(More detailed instructions, T.B.D.)
The cx:python
step runs a Python program as the implementation
of a step.
For more information, see cx:polyglot